Supella longipalpa
Color: Brown, with brown, tan, or gold bands on the adults' wings and the juveniles' bodies.
Legs: 6
Size: 11-14mm long or about ½ inches.
Brown-Banded Cockroach Habits
Cockroaches—no one likes them. Unfortunately, they are found all over the United States. Though brown-banded cockroaches have been on United States’ soil for less time than German cockroaches, they exist in greater numbers than German cockroaches. Brown-banded cockroaches can thrive in dry environments, giving them a much larger range of habitats and making them comfortable almost anywhere in a building.
Brown-banded cockroaches are mostly active at night and avoid light. Their coloring makes them blend into furniture easily (giving them the nickname “furniture roaches”) and they really get around—pipes, picture frames, inside door frames, in air vents. They can be hard to detect before the infestation becomes a serious problem.
Brown-banded cockroaches live for about 200 days and breed prolifically. Females typically lay around 14 egg clusters in their lives and each can contain 10-20 eggs. They spread quickly and are often carried into human living spaces by egg clusters clinging to items.
These pests are not picky about food and will eat garbage, cardboard, paper, fabric, and other types of roaches.
Problems Caused by Brown-Banded Cockroaches
Brown-banded roaches are a very unwelcome guest, not only because they multiply, defecate, and damage items by chewing and tunneling, but they bring other unwanted guests with them too. They carry pathogens and allergens into homes, as well as crawling through all kinds of filth and carrying it around on their bodies, spreading it to whatever they touch. They also trigger respiratory allergies and exacerbate asthma and lung conditions.
Signs of Brown-Banded Cockroaches
Check under your furniture for egg cases. These are small and are usually yellowish or amber-colored for brown-banded cockroaches and shades of brown for other species. They are oval, pill-shaped, or shaped like an eyeglass case.
Another major sign of brown-banded cockroaches is their feces. This looks like black specks or smears, like coffee grounds. These are found in habitats and spots where roaches feel secure, like under, inside, or behind furnishings and walls. If you see the roaches themselves, there are likely more. Call your local pest control professional immediately to come take a look.
Preventing Brown-Banded Cockroach Infestations
The best way to prevent troubles with roaches in general is not to give them the food they want. Make sure to not let your garbage linger and keep your food put away in airtight containers. Keep an eye on your books and wallpaper (cockroaches like the starches in the adhesives), and keep cardboard stored off the floor and in dry places. Talk to your local pest control professional about preventive sprays.
Getting Rid of Brown-Banded Cockroaches
We don’t recommend trying to get rid of brown-banded cockroaches by yourself. Different methods, products, and protective gear have to be used with different types of roach.
t’s important to know what kind of roach you have, so if you’re not sure, ask us. Rochester Pest Pro will send a licensed, experienced pest control technician to your home or business to identify the pest and deal with them quickly. Contact us today!